Tuesday, April 15, 2008

...iq test..

John, his wife and their daughter wish to cross a river.

The row boat can only hold 100 kilos.

John weighs 80 kilos.

His wife and daughter weigh 40 kilos each.

Question: How do all three cross the river?


Anonymous said...

apa jawapannya ? huh susah..

Anonymous said...

amik dua bot la .. btul ?

mawaddah said...

weit..aku x dpt jwpn pon..bg lerr jwpnnye..ssh dowh...

::..aj_fziq..:: said...

anda ber 2 sabarla dlu..sye nak tggu jwapan org len juge..smntara tu fikir2kanlah..klu dapat mmg tere..tpi,ni pon kire senang tau..siyes x tpu..senang..

Anonymous said...

ada plak row boat.. takkan takde column boat ? gunakanlah column boat..

Anonymous said...

salam eika..nak cube..
de bbrape kemungkinan:
1-dorg just wish to cross je kan..lom cross lg..so xyah lah cross kalo overweight
2-xde pon kate kene naik row boat..
so leh la naik other boat
3-kene ler bayo lebih sikit cam kalo naik flight..sape overweight..bayo xtra..wikihkih

::..aj_fziq..:: said...

sape la yg bgi japan ngan chumel nih..nntikan jwapannye ~~tggu..haha
tertunggu-tunggu sapela yg dpat jawab..cpat!!sape dpat jwab ika blanje snickers..hoho..dgan syarat kna r kenalkan dri..hohoho..

M.Affan Ns said...

salam.. sayang.. snicker bukan qotoah ke??

::..aj_fziq..:: said...

ha,nih pasal tnpa segan dan silu ni..pela..yeke..erm..cmne aku nak buang ketagihan aku terhadap snickers ni??huhu..

Anonymous said...

1-anak ngn mak naik bot skali pegi seberang = 80 kilo..
2-anak patah balik, mak tinggal =40 kilo..
3-bapak naik bot pegi seberang = 80 kilo..
4- mak patah balik nak ambik anak = 80 kilo...

::..aj_fziq..:: said...

bagus2..tpi,bak kate affan,snickers muqotoah..so,xbleyla kan..haha..