Sunday, April 13, 2008

Grads prefer to stay on overseas???

PUTRAJAYA: More and more medical students sent abroad to study on government scholarships, many costing more than a million ringgit each, are breaking their 10-year bond by refusing to return and serve in public hospitals.

“This is a sore point with us. In 2006, 21 medical students in Britain did not return. Last year, the number was 63. For those studying in Ireland, three students did not come back in 2006 while last year, 27 did not return,” said Human Capital Development division director Datin Madinah Mohamad.

She said these students cost the Government up to RM1.1mil each in funding for the five-year course.

“The number has been steadily increasing each year since 2003. The excuse these undergraduates often give is that they want to do their two-year housemanship over there and continue with sub-specialisation courses.

“But when they do so, they may then get employed and become eligible for registration in Britain. With the pay they are getting there, it’s highly unlikely they will come back and serve here,” she said in an interview here yesterday.

Since 2003, 145 students from Britain and 85 from Ireland have not come back. However, only three from Russia, two from Jordan and one from Japan failed to return.

Another reason many students chose to stay back could have been due to PSD’s perceived lenient treatment of such students in the past and a paltry penalty of RM160,000 each before 2003, she said.

“It encouraged undergraduates, who have seen many of their seniors being let off, to follow suit,” she said.

Although the department had officers in Britain and Ireland to track down errant medical students, some in the last year of studies ignored notices and others did not bother to show up when called for interviews.

She said tougher measures were needed to make them come back and serve or pay their bond.

The department was now seriously considering suggestions to make errant students repay twice or thrice the sum of their scholarships as punishment.

“We need to study this recommendation,” she said, adding the department had also handed 30 such cases since 1989 to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for legal action and had even declared one former student bankrupt.

But legal action was slow and guarantors would be taken to court only as the last resort, she said.

erm..nilah realiti dunia hari ini..undergraduates lupe tanah air..yy??erm..

[The excuse these undergraduates often give is that they want to do their two-year housemanship over there and continue with sub-specialisation courses.]

acceptable ke alasan tuh??ok..ape2 pon abes wat sub-specialisation bley je balik msia kan..[unless pade sape2 yg ikut husband ke..possible la jugak kan]..baliklah..ingatlah sape yg dah taja nda tuh..klu nak dok kat overseas,suhla negara tu yg taja anda..balikla ank2 msia..x kirelah medic ke,agama ke..khidmat kte diperlukan di mlaysia..apatah lagi doktor2 lepasan mesir nih..we r actually sgat beruntung blaja kat egypt nih..dunia akhirat dapat,n jaln tu sgat mudah..jdi doktor yg ble balik msia mmpu ubat pesakit n pada mse yg same dpat tarbiyah sket n dakwah..(btol x kwan2???syukur x blaja kat mesir??)act,i'm wondering if there's any of us yg nak stay cni..hoho..(bdak medic..)nak ke??dah sedia mental n fizikal nak dok cni??..balikla..berkhidmat untk msyarakat sendri..[proud to be muslimah n malaysian].. personally,aku nak balik!!b4 datang cni aku mmg dah niat nak balik msia..sooner,i'm a gynaecologist..[ameen..]..y do i prefer to be a gynae??y??..n y??ni pon aku dah korbankan cita2 aku yg sebenar..(missin math n physic terribly~~)xpe,ni bukan paksaan dari mne2 pihak..keputusan yg aku wat sendri n galakan from my family..doa ibu..restu ibu membawa ke syurga..
1st of all,aku rase tuh dah jadi satu tuntutan wat aku as a muslimah yg dah biase didedahkan dgan kata2"pkar sakit puan kat msia skarang dimonopoli oleh kaum lelaki.."..hoho..panas je..beratnye aku dgar..mmg xde slahnye,yelah tuh kre kes daruratla kan..tpi,mne perginye plajar2 medic perempuan??lbih tepat lagi..mane doktor2 muslimah??dari egypt,ireland,india,indon,rusia....dimanakh anda??tggungjawab nih besar ni..kepada golongan terpelajar..mdic or even gol ustaz2..relakah anda isteri anda diuruskan oleh doktor lelaki??..tambah2 klu i've said b4,xde salahnye,tpi.......hurm..seolah-olah cam x diberi pilihan plak kan..(tpi bez je jdi kak fakeha..disambut sndri husband tercinta..thniah!!).. [so,pngajarannya,wahai golongan muslimah carikla golongn doktor..haha..juz kiddin..iklan jap..]xpe2.. sape nak tempah saye,silelah..tpi g 10 taunla gamaknye bley berkhidmat..hoho..tggu hospital aku siap dlu..x kesahlah lmbat ke cepat,yg pastinye aku akn berkhidmat kat msia..
ni dah lari dari tajuk utama nih..haha..xpe2 ..y do i prefer gynae??2nd besfren..(kadok said).."jadilah ika..klu ko tlong permudahkan org nak bersalin..insyaAllah,Allah permudahkan jlan ke syurga.."..ameen..thanx 4 those words kadok.. 3rd reason..aku ske bdak2..undoubt..hoho.. bnyak sbnarnya sebbnye..tpi ckuplah yg 3 nn..smoga Allah permudahkan jlan aku n antum semua..ameen..balik ye jgan x balik..proud to be a musliamh!!n alhamdulillah diberi kekuatan n kesempatan untuk capai cita2 aku yg agak besar ini..huhu..Pray for my success and I shall pray for yours..


mawaddah said...

pjgnye ko bes r..btol2.kena blk msia..khidmat kite diperlukan..xpe2..nnt aku blk..aku jd pakar kanak2 kat msia..hehe..tkt r plak nak jd pakar sakit puan..keh3..
gudluck ika..bakal o&g terkemuka neh..hehe..

::..aj_fziq..:: said...

thanx..ameen tuk ayat last ko tuh..haha..yela watpe nk keja luar isn't about money ryte??bgi aku,once i've decided to be a doc,mknenye aku dah ready nak korbankan lyfe aku nnti,honestly..ya Allah berikanku kekuatan..ameen..

Khairul Anwar said...

huhu..xnak laa aku kerja cni,tapi kalo ambik speciality or subspeciality sini bleh gak,insyaAllah..smoga cita-cita kita suma tercapai..bguslaa klo suma mo ambik kepakaran msing2..hehe..gud luck exam,klo bleh suma mumtaz tahun ni insyaallah..

ida_da_cutie said...

nk tya tempah huda utk ape ek hahaha ml2 best jek baca,lps tu leh main2 plak,mntg2 blog sendiri....apepun nice huda dapat capai cita2 huda k ...wish u all d best k doc ;)

ida_da_cutie said...
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::..aj_fziq..:: said...

khai~~bagusnya ada cte2 nak smbung study cni..smoga tercapai..gudluck untuk exam..smoga sume mengikuti jejak lgkah khai..mumtaz~~

incik yg di bawah itu..
hoho..dah tentulah cop untuk khidmat...
haha..adey..thanx..doakan saya..

Anonymous said...

Well said.